Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible

07. Media and communication

Does CIAIAC participate in interviews, radio or TV programs?

It is not part of CIAIAC policy to give interviews to the media, nor take part in radio or TV programs, being the website the mean used to disseminate information related to investigations and CIAIAC activities.

What information is protected by law and may not be published or used for purposes other than accident prevention?

Among others, Spanish and European regulations don’t allow the publication of the following information or its use for purposes other than accident prevention:

- all statements taken from persons by the safety investigation authority in the course of the safety investigation.

- records revealing the identity of persons who have given evidence in the context of the safety investigation.

- information collected by the safety investigation authority which is of a particularly sensitive and personal nature, including information concerning the health of individuals.

- Notes, drafts, written opinions or verbal opinions of investigators.

- drafts of preliminary or final reports or interim statements.

- cockpit voice and image recordings and their transcripts, as well as voice recordings inside air traffic control units, ensuring also that information not relevant to the safety investigation, particularly information with a bearing on personal privacy.